Grand Forks University Avenue Improvements

UNIVERSITY AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS Grand Forks, North Dakota The City of Grand Forks was beginning to plan the anticipated mill and overlay of University Avenue when the University of North Dakota (UND) approached the City and asked to consider cost-sharing in a much larger project – the complete reconstruction and beautification of this heavily traveled corridor […]
Williston 18th Avenue Water Main Improvements

18th AVENUE WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS Williston, North Dakota The City of Williston was encountering difficulties in supplying water to the east side of the city due to growth and increased demand from the regional rural water system. AE2S prepared a hydraulic model of the City’s water distribution system, which identified the existing 12-inch ductile iron […]
Spearfish Jackson Boulevard Improvements

JACKSON BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS Spearfish, South Dakota AE2S is providing design and master planning services for improvements to Jackson Boulevard, including streetscaping, traffic analysis, landascaping, pavement improvements, water mains, sewer mains, lighting, storm sewer and utility relocations. Jackson Boulevard leads from I-90 Exit 12 to the heart of Downtown and is the primary east-west corridor for […]