Soy Crush Plant WW Design
Enderlin, North Dakota
Pumping and Wastewater Treatment Needs
A large industrial client with a factory in North Dakota was experiencing difficulties with maintaining effective wastewater treatment. AE2S was hired to evaluate current flows and loads, establish existing treatment capacity and provide recommendations for improvements. We also developed a robust computer model of the wastewater treatment process using SUMO modeling software. Along the way, we were asked to improve the discharge hydraulics from the existing clarifier to the storage ponds.
Facility Investigations Lead to Treatment Process Improvements
The most pressing need for the factory was occasional air-binding in their effluent pipe, robbing them of the ability to discharge from their clarifier. AE2S reviewed the effluent hydraulics and recommended installation of a below grade pump vault to boost the discharge pressure from the clarifier. The vault was constructed in 2022 and there have not been issues with air-binding since it was put into operation. As a result of the wastewater treatment evaluation, several operational improvements have been implemented. Along with the operational improvements, a wastewater chiller system was installed to control the temperature of the wastewater in the biological treatment process. Since the chiller system was installed the wastewater treatment facility has been able to routinely meet its discharge criteria.
Project Details
Date: 2020 – 2022
Client: ADM
Key Project Elements
- System Evaluation
- Process Improvements
- SUMO Modeling
- Biological Treatment Process