AE2S is Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services

UND Steam Plant

Grand Forks UND Steam Plant

UND STEAM PLANT Grand Forks, North Dakota AE2S was retained to provide structural and civil engineering services for the construction of a 300,000 #/hour, 16,200 GSF multi-story steam generating plant that replaced the aging coal-fired steam generating plant. The project achieved commercial operation status in April 2020. The primary structure of the new plant utilizes […]

Stark County Courthouse

Dickinson Stark County Courthouse

STARK COUNTY COURTHOUSE Dickinson, North Dakota The Stark County Courthouse Addition is constructed directly adjacent to the existing 1930s courthouse building and connected with a multi-level connecting link hallway. The addition provides approximately 16,300 square feet of new space, is three stories in height, and has a partial basement. The new construction effectively utilizes a […]

Williston Public Schools Innovation Academy

Williston Public Schools Innovation Academy

WILLISTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS INNOVATION ACADEMY Williston, North Dakota AE2S was retained to provide structural engineering to renovate Hagan Aquatics Center, a two-basin pool facility and attached one-story administrative and commons area, into a multi-section Grade 5-8 academy. Project Details Date: 2019 – 2020 Client: JLG Architects Key Project Elements Extensive Renovation to Turn Aquatics Center […]

Grand Forks Regional WTP Structural Engineering

Grand Forks Regional Water Treatment Plant

GRAND FORKS REGIONAL WTP STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Grand Forks, North Dakota The Grand Forks Regional Water Treatment Plant (GFRWTP) is a 20 million gallons per day hybrid water treatment facility that includes a parallel conventional and membrane treatment processes. It will address key regulatory and water quality challenges, increased water demand, and logistical issues associated with […]

Deadwood Welcome Center

Deadwood Welcome Center

DEADWOOD WELCOME CENTER Deadwood, South Dakota Our Services AE2S provided civil design and surveying services for construction of a new Welcome Center and parking lot on the existing site located on the east side of Lower Main Street in Deadwood, South Dakota. Project Details Date: 2015 – 2017 Client: Chamberlin Architects Key Project Elements Parking […]

Williston 18th Avenue Water Main Improvements

Williston 18th Avenue Water Main

18th AVENUE WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS Williston, North Dakota The City of Williston was encountering difficulties in supplying water to the east side of the city due to growth and increased demand from the regional rural water system. AE2S prepared a hydraulic model of the City’s water distribution system, which identified the existing 12-inch ductile iron […]

Parshall 2018 Street and Utilities Improvements

Parshall 2018 Street and Utilities Improvements

2018 STREET AND UTILITIES IMPROVEMENTS Parshall, North Dakota The City of Parshall’s existing streets were built in 1962, and portions of the sanitary sewer system date back to the 1940s. Rapid population growth exerted significant pressure on the aging municipal sewer and street infrastructure system and drove the need for infrastructure expansion to support the […]

Spearfish Jackson Boulevard Improvements

Spearfish Jackson Boulevard Street and Utility Improvements

JACKSON BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS Spearfish, South Dakota AE2S is providing design and master planning services for improvements to Jackson Boulevard, including streetscaping, traffic analysis, landascaping, pavement improvements, water mains, sewer mains, lighting, storm sewer and utility relocations. Jackson Boulevard leads from I-90 Exit 12 to the heart of Downtown and is the primary east-west corridor for […]

Clay County County-Wide Monument Rehabilitation Program

Clay County County-Wide Monument Rehabilitation Program

COUNTY-WIDE MONUMENT REHABILITATION PROGRAM Clay County, Minnesota AE2S has been the acting County Surveyor for Clay County, MN, performing numerous duties on an as-needed/on-call basis since 2015. Duties include reviewing plats submitted for recordation, GIS field surveying and assistance, and acting as a resource to the general public as well as private surveyors working within […]

FM Diversion Land Management/Acquisition

FM Diversion Land Management/Acquisition

FM DIVERSION LAND MANAGEMENT/ACQUISITION Fargo, North Dakota The proposed Fargo-Moorhead Area Diversion Project consists of the construction of a 30-mile long diversion channel, a 20-mile long embankment, and a variety of associated infrastructure located in North Dakota and Minnesota. The Project will divert flood water around the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area. The Land Acquisition portion of […]