AE2S is Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services

Municipal Wastewater to Effluent Reuse

Fargo, North Dakota

Helping Wastewater Reuse Become Reality

Spurred by a request to provide up to 1.4 million gallons per day (MGD) to the new Tharaldson Ethanol Plant, the City of Fargo made the decision to construct an Effluent Reuse Facility (ERF) that would treat effluent from the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to provide water to the ethanol plant. based on the Industry’s water quality requirements, AE2S recommended that multiple membrane technologies would be necessary. AE2S provided technical assistance to the City of Fargo and the Industry in developing the project concept, detailed design review, and negotiating the procurement contracts.

Why this matters!

AE2S was successful in providing communication and networking links between the Industry, the City of Fargo, Rural Water Districts and State Agencies.  With our assistance a successful, fast-track permit application was completed and approved.  Our design review and membrane concept develop provided adequate supply is assured for the ethanol plant that meets the water quality requirements for the industry.

Project Details

Date: 2023 – 2024

Client: City of Fargo

Key Project Elements
  • Effluent Reuse Facility
  • Membrane Treatment
  • Water Quality Requirements