Fargo Effluent Reuse Facility

Municipal Wastewater to Effluent Reuse Fargo, North Dakota Helping Wastewater Reuse Become Reality Spurred by a request to provide up to 1.4 million gallons per day (MGD) to the new Tharaldson Ethanol Plant, the City of Fargo made the decision to construct an Effluent Reuse Facility (ERF) that would treat effluent from the Wastewater Treatment […]
Soy Crush Plant WW Design

Soy Crush Plant WW Design Enderlin, North Dakota Pumping and Wastewater Treatment Needs A large industrial client with a factory in North Dakota was experiencing difficulties with maintaining effective wastewater treatment. AE2S was hired to evaluate current flows and loads, establish existing treatment capacity and provide recommendations for improvements. We also developed a robust computer […]
JVWCD Pump Station Electrical System

Pump Station Electrical System Jordan Valley, Utah About the Project AE2S completed the design for a new 51.7 MGD pump station to replace existing infrastructure and meet future projected demand. The new station runs in parallel with the existing facility, until the existing facility reaches the end of its useful life. The electrical system of […]
Provo River Watershed Council Strategic Plan

Provo River Watershed Council Strategic Plan Provo River Watershed/Wasatch Front, Utah Issues that the Council was Trying to Solve with this Project The Council needed a framework for prioritizing their involvement (leading or supporting) with watershed initiatives aimed at protecting water quality in the Provo River, which is a major water supply source for the […]
City of Larimore Street and Utility Improvements

CITYWIDE STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS Larimore, North Dakota About the Project The City of Larimore had deferred maintenance on their street and utilities since they were constructed in the 1950s to 1970s. A master plan was developed in the late 1990s to rehabilitate the system over time, but no work was done. Project Details Date: […]
Spearfish Creek Floodplain Analysis

SPEARFISH CREEK FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS Spearfish, South Dakota About the Project Spearfish Creek is the main stream flowing through the City of Spearfish (City) and was included in the City’s original 1981 Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). As the city expanded north, revised floodplain mapping in 1990 extended north past Interstate 90. As with many communities […]
Rocky Boy’s/North Central Montana Regional Water System

ROCKY BOY’S/NORTH CENTRAL MONTANA REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM Rocky Boy’s Reservation and North Central Montana About the Project The Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy’s Reservation and the State of Montana, through the Reserved Water Rights Commission, negotiated a settlement of the Tribe’s Water Rights Claims. The Compact, ratified by the 1997 Montana Legislature and […]
Provo River Water Users Association Deer Creek Dam Intake Structure

DEER CREEK DAM INTAKE STRUCTURE Wasatch County, Utah The Provo River Water Users Association supplies raw water to many bulk customers in the Salt Lake City metro area and delivers water across three counties including Salt Lake, Wasatch, and Utah counties. They are responsible for operating a Bureau of Reclamation dam, intake, and power plant […]
Grand Forks Regional Water Treatment Plant

GRAND FORKS REGIONAL WATER TREATMENT PLANT Grand Forks, North Dakota Challenges Necessitate New Regional Water Treatment Plant The new Grand Forks Regional Water Treatment Plant (GFRWTP) is a 20 million gallons per day hybrid water treatment facility that includes parallel conventional and membrane treatment processes that address key regulatory and water quality challenges, increased water […]
Fargo Membrane Water Treatment Plant UV System

LIME SOFTENING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PRETREATMENT & CRYPTOSPORIDIUM COMPLIANCE Fargo, North Dakota New Classification in the Sheyenne River Recent sampling on the Sheyenne River discovered an increase in Cryptosporidium (Crypto) concentration, which reclassified the Fargo Lime Softening Water Treatment Plant (LSWTP) from Bin 1 to Bin 2 per the Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment […]