LCRR Public Notifications Deadline

Now that most service line inventories have been completed and submitted, water systems must send notification letters by November 15th to customers with unknown service line materials and service lines containing lead or galvanized steel requiring replacement. The November date is 30 days after the October 16th Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) deadline to submit initial service line inventories. However, water systems in States such as Minnesota implemented earlier inventory deadlines and required water systems to send notifications within 30 days of receiving State approval of the submitted LCRR inventories.

Many States provided templates to complete the notification letters. If your State did not, you may utilize the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) service line public notification templates. USEPA also published a Tier 1 notification template and fact sheet to assist with public notifications.

The templates include required wording as well as recommended phrasing. Please note that States may require water systems to use State-specific templates that include USEPA’s required wording. AE2S recommends checking with the primacy agency for proper guidance documentation.

If you would like assistance with your public notifications, contact Rachel Schultz, AE2S Consultant.